Jim Davies
Write-in Libertarian for Governor

Ending the Federal Income Tax

The Federal Income Tax is voluntary now, as you read. To avoid paying this draconian "tax", which steals from you 19% of every dollar you earn (with its associated "social security" tax) ALL you need do is to stop volunteering!

Because the government's tax collectors are so utterly lawless and mendacious, and because the government judges are so utterly corrupt, I do have to urge a little caution: they will not like it, if you stop volunteering. Therefore, you and I do have to do some careful preparation; we must frustrate their attempts to harass and intimidate us. But the hard work is already done. That guidance exists, and is yours for the asking, at very moderate cost.

What I would do as Governor is to add just a small amount of extra security - to make it even less risky than it already is. So while I'd love to take credit for the hard and costly work done by heroes of freedom like Irwin Schiff, the fact is that I'd not be adding very much. You can actually take this action immediately, and enjoy the substantial benefits, even if I never receive a single vote as Governor!

Why It's Voluntary

Any true "tax" is a "forced exaction", that is, there's a Law saying we have to pay it, and a specified penalty if we don't. (Even the NH Property Tax does that - the penalty is the loss of our homes - though it cunningly prevents an effective opportunity to challenge that penalty in Court.)

So while all tax is theft, almost all tax is "legalized" - there's a law saying it has to be paid. The Federal Income Tax is the big exception. It has NOT even been legalized!

This tax, unlike others, is both theft and fraud; it looks like a tax, it is enforced in government courts like a tax (if they reckon they can get away with it) but in fact and Law, it's NOT a tax. Here's why.

Step #1 in the government's fraud is to deceive us into thinking that in Law, "income" means the same as "earnings." It does not. And its Step #2 is to trick us into supposing we have some legal liability to pay tax on that income, when in fact we have none, even if we could know what it is.

So when we look at the front of the 1040 Form, we see a heading for "Income", and subheadings for Wages, Salary, etc.; but what we do NOT know, because it doesn't tell us there, is that the actual Law nowhere defines "income" as something that includes wages or salaries!! - or not ordinary, US-based salaries, anyway. So if you write down that you had some wages that you say were "income" they'll not argue with you, but there is absolutely no legal obligation upon you to do so. So we can truthfully send back the IRS a 1040 full of zeros, like some people have done for six years with impunity.

That fact can be checked rather easily in your local library. Go and find a copy of the Internal Revenue Code, which is in effect The Law in this field.

Look in the Index, or elsewhere, for two key things (this will start you going, and lead you to check out many others later.) They are: (i) a definition of the word "income" and (ii) a clause stating that anyone has a "liability" for paying a tax on "income". Remember, we're dealing here with a book that was written meticulously by lawyers, syllable by syllable, and that two thirds of the revenue of the Federal Government depends on every syllable being right.

Suprise #1 is that you may look all week, but you'll not find any definition of "income", despite this book having hundreds of pages devoted to the alleged tax on that entity, whatever it is! Funny thing!

We can find definitions of scores of other important words; even a definition of the phrase "gross income". But not one of "income" itself. And since "gross income" is defined there in terms of "income", it tells us nothing either about that entity. As Irwin Schiff often jokes: if a dictionary defines a "big horse" as a "horse" higher than five feet, it still tells us nothing whatever about big horses unless it also defines what a "horse" is! Is it a post? A fence? A motorcycle? A bush? A pile of lawbooks? A heap of drunken Congressmen?

That subject is further explored in my 1998 article, "The Only Income They Can Tax". (Use your browser's BACK button to return here.) The only definition we do have for "income" was made by the US Supreme Court, and it was that it is "Corporate Profit."

Surprise #2 is that you may search all you will, but you'll find no reference to any "liability" to pay tax on it, whatever it is. You will find very simple and unambiguous sections specifying liabilities to pay taxes on wagers (if you're a bookmaker) or on alcohol (if you're a wine merchant) or on tobacco (if you sell smokes) but none whatever to pay tax on "income". Not even if you had any, which almost everybody doesn't, see above.

UPDATE! - a sitting Congressman has just confirmed that no law compels the payment of income tax and you can see his letter here - though please be patient for a slow download (140K.)

How to Stop Volunteering

This may or may not be enough to satisfy anyone that no earnings are taxable under the Law, but it is enough to tell us at least that more investigation is warranted, before paying a single red cent to the folk at the Infernal Robbery Syndicate. And that is where you and I need to do some homework.

There are several experts who have written books to help us do that homework, and if you're already "in" to one of them, it may be best to continue. But if not, I recommend the works of Irwin Schiff. They are by far the most thorough, logical, and well-researched that I have found. They are excellent both in theory (his "The Great Income Tax Hoax" is the most scholarly in its field) and in practice (his "The Federal Mafia" is a priceless collection of battle trophies, forming an excellent armory for self-defense.)

You can order them on-line here, or write for a catalog to Freedom Books, 4616 W Sahara Ste 340, Las Vegas, NV 89102; or telephone 1-800-TAX-NOMO[RE]. If you visit that Web site, take the opportunity to read, on-line, the first chapter of "The Federal Mafia."

The risks of not volunteering are those of harassment by "America's Gestapo", the IRS. You may have seen some horror stories on C-SPAN last year, from a few conscience- smitten IRS employees who told what they had had to do to honest people. That can happen by accident (the bureaucracy targets you in error) or on purpose (because they want to make an example of you for not behaving like a sheep at shearing time.)

Once again, I strongly urge you to study "The Federal Mafia" as above, before taking on this lawless but powerful bunch of thugs. Thanks to the meticulous work of Mr Schiff, we now have them pretty well stymied at every turn.

Some pioneers in this field (like Mr Schiff himself, in 1984) were trapped into prison terms, because as pioneers they could not know how to box clever - none of them were trained in the Law. They had to proceed by trial and costly error. And as late as 1989, my good friend the late Jim Lewis was convicted by a spineless Connecticut jury taken in by the same government trickery.

But those days are, we think, over: the recommended "Zero Income Return" method has never yet landed anyone in jail, and some have used it for six years!

How I Would Help

What does still happen is that some zero-income filers are bullied by the IRS and even have property stolen, for example from bank accounts. Mr Schiff's ongoing publication of countermeasure strategies reduce even this risk to a very small compass. And if I'm elected Governor, I'll make them smaller yet.

The main thing I can do (apart from using my "Jimmy Pulpit" to spread all the above good news even wider) is to order the State Police to prevent any Federal Agent raiding any property in New Hampshire without first displaying his "Delegation of Authority."

That sounds bureaucratic, but it's vital. Any Fed - from the DEA, BATF, USPS, FBI or IRS - who wants to interfere with a resident of New Hampshire is acting in our jurisdiction, and so he needs our permission. That permission is given, properly, only if he can show he has authority (on paper!) to do what he plans. It might be a Court Order, or some power granted by Federal Law.

The fun bit is, that since the Income Tax does not exist in Law (see above) no such delegation of authority is ever given to the IRS!! Every time any such raid has ever taken place anywhere, the local Police Chief has assumed it exists, just because the lead Agent phoned up and says, "we're going to bust John Q Citizen tomorrow for tax crimes, is that okay by you?" He just answers "sure" and drives off home in a car marked "To Protect and to Serve."

Not any more. When I'm governor, those illegal raids will stop dead.

Actually, you can stop them right now, if you show this Page to your local Police Chief and have him follow up with some homework; but that would take effect only in your particular town or jurisdiction. I'd stop 'em all over New Hampshire, so that we can all start to "Live Free."

So there's really nothing to prevent you, if you have red American blood in your veins, from taking back your money - or that large part of it that goes to D.C. Start, today!

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