Jim Davies
Write-in Libertarian for Governor


Each of us runs our own lives our own way, and at any one time will have concerns that may be ours alone, or may be shared with a relatively small group - so on this Page I'll try to show how, in each, I would as Governor help you take back your life in those areas, when you find that government has been restricting your freedom.

Here's an index of subjects covered; click on each that interests you.

Alternative Lifestyles

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Gun Civil Rights

This one's easy. If you resent the way government at every level tries to discourage the possession and carrying of any weapon of your choice, you're in good company, and I'm 100% with you. New Hampshire is better than some states, but to carry a handgun we still have to get government's permission, which means they have us in their database as Suspicious Characters.

Ignore any anti-gun law you don't like! - while I'm Governor, I will grant an automatic pardon to anyone convicted under any State anti-gun law.

If you're accused under a Federal anti-gun law, that's obviously not possible, but with your help this campaign - and the huge publicity machine any governor has - will, I promise, be used to spread the word that juries in any Court have the absolute right to acquit a defendant on any grounds they like, including a dislike for the anti-gun law by which you'll have been troubled.

And as shown on the page "Jury Power", if even 10% of the population agreed with you (and it's a great deal more than that!) there's only a 28% chance of conviction and so those Federal laws, too, will be dead letters. So: elect me, and gun freedom will be totally restored.

One word of caution: This promise refers to anti-gun laws, not anti-assault laws! Anyone using a gun to harm or threaten an innocent person will find no help from my office. I'll pardon victimless criminals, not those with real people who suffered real harm. Nor, I hope, will juries.

For more reading on gun civil rights, try that remarkable book "Unintended Consequences" by John Ross (ISBN 1-888118-04-0.)

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Alternative Lifestyles

Go ahead, Do your Own Thing! I may not share it (I'm rather traditional in my own choices, as it happens) but sexual preferences are 100% your own business, and certainly none whatever of government - however bizarre the behavior may seem - as long as it's consensual.

It would be nice if all held other peoples' sensitivities in respect and did not flaunt conduct that outrages convention. That seems to me (like driving courtesy) to be "the New Hampshire Way" - but lack of politeness should not be a matter of crime and punishment.

So long as you impose no force on someone else, you can break whatever laws you like and, if convicted, I'll issue an automatic pardon from the Corner Office. So in effect, any and all such State Laws will be unenforcible.

A word of caution: you'll be free, but you'll be responsible too. If you can't get an apartment because all available landlords disapprove of your same-sex marriage, don't come bleating for special government favors to force them to rent you somewhere to live; you'll get a short and negative answer. In practice, since there will be a free market in accommodation, you'll find somewhere sure enough: but you may wind up paying more for it than conventional couples. So be it. Landlords, too, are owners of their own lives.

For further reading on tolerance, see "Defending the Undefendable" by Walter Block (ISBN 0-930073-05-3) and "Defending Pornography" by Nadine Strossen (ISBN 0-385-48173-X)

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The government's "war on drugs" has been an unrelieved disaster, and it will be my very great pleasure to close it down in New Hampshire.

About 1 person in 12 uses drugs now illegal, and that ratio has been unchanged for the last 100 years despite increasingly draconian persecution by the Drug Warriors. So we can note first that it's totally ineffective.

It's disastrous also in that it has spawned massive waves of real crime - the sort, remember, with real victims. Addicts desperate for a fix at the high prices that Prohibition produces, will rob and mug for the money.

So if you like to relax with a joint, or with more exotic ways to space out, be my guest; should you be convicted of using or trading under any State Law you will receive an automatic Governor's Pardon, and if you're persecuted by the Federal Narcs, that 1:12 ratio will mean that juries will be most unlikely to convict - the probability will be only 37%. (For more on how that works, click here.) In effect, therefore, anti-drug laws will be history, the day you elect me Governor.

A word of caution: if you overdose, don't look to my government to dry you out. You'll be free, but you'll also be 100% responsible for your destiny. Better line up some good friends ahead of time to save your life, if you do ingest substances that alter the mind.

Another word of caution: don't sell addictive drugs to children too young to understand the warning. If such a child sues you for misrepresenting your product, the onus will be on you to prove you made clear the dangers of using it. And don't look to the Corner Office for intervention, for you'll get none.

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The Right to Work

The right to offer one's services to any buyer is basic to human society, yet the State Legislature has placed severe limits on entry to about 150 occupations. Every one of those Laws creates a victimless crime, so every one of them will become unenforcible the day I take office.

Anyone convicted, for example, of operating a beauty parlor without a government license will be automatically pardoned upon application to me. Accordingly, all those laws will become dead letters. You will have taken back your working life and that alone will boost your standard of living.

Unions, did someone ask? - sure. If a group of people want to associate and offer an employer a contract as such, they have that right. They also undertake a responsibility to keep that voluntary contract.

I hope that no employer would be so foolish as to sign a contract that forbade him to hire someone who was not a member of such a Union, but if he did, he'd soon be out of business because non-Union or open-shop competitors will likely undercut his prices. See, there WILL be competitors; because any and every New Hampshire Law granting monopoly privilege to some company would be nullified by the first jury to get its hands on it; to see more on how, click here. And where there's competition, Unions are seldom needed.

So, for example, PSNH would no longer have a power monopoly. Juries would be aware that such government-granted monopoly has kept our electricity prices sky-high for years, and would not sustain it.

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Both protagonists in this tiresome controversy are attempting to use the power of government to bludgeon individual freedom; accordingly, government is the only winner and real people are the only losers. So, in line with my theme that each person should "take back" his or her life, I shall favor neither.

Accordingly, no conviction under any anti-abortion laws will survive my Gubernatorial Pardon, AND I'll oppose anyone's money being stolen as taxes to pay for someone else's abortion - or for someone else's child to be taught that abortion is a moral option. Or an immoral option, for that matter.

And of course, nobody's right to preach that abortion is wrong shall be inhibited, nor anyone's right to contract for adoption, nor anyone's right to offer family-planning counsel of any kind; not if I can help it. As for most other human activities, government (if any) should laissez-faire.

If you have to decide about an abortion, it's quite tough enough without having government laws around your neck. With me as Governor, you won't have.

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As Governor, I'd help AIDS victims in two very important ways.

1. For those unfortunate people who are in the last months of life, I will NOT prevent them taking any medication they wish, to relieve the pain. It is one of the most disgusting aspects of government arrogance that, just in order to uphold one of their silliest laws, politicians outlaw the use of marijuana even for that purpose.

Anti-drug laws should not exist at all and, as explained here, they will be unenforcible in New Hampshire the day I take office. But to enforce them against dying AIDS patients is as ludicrous as it is viciously cruel. "Laws" require penalties, and what penalties to these neanderthals think they can impose, that is worse then death? It is utter savagery, masquerading as "civilization". The sort of civilized society paid for by taxes!

Yet that utterly imbecilic result is the logical consequence of forcing people to ingest only what the lawmaker permits. Well, Governor Davies will stop that cold.

2. I will point out from my "Jimmy Pulpit", starting now, that HIV is quite likely NOT the cause of AIDS. Let's explore that briefly, and see how the knowledge will help many "AIDS" patients recover.

The hypothesis that HIV causes AIDS is now a litmus test for all government- funded research on the subject. You question it? - you don't get hired. That's why the NIH will never find a cure: they're searching the wrong haystack. The theory was invented by a Dr Robert Gallo in 1983; an NIH scientist racing against time and a French rival. He came out with the theory first, and so has enjoyed a prosperous career ever since. But the foundation of this ubiquitous theory is a measured correlation of only 66%!

More: Dr Phillippe Krynen, the physician who first broke the news that AIDS seemed to have originated in East Africa and would spread like a plague, subsequently changed his mind and offered his view that "AIDS does not exist" in the sense of an unique, communicable disease like typhoid fever. His revised opinion has been well suppressed, by the tens of thousands of scientists making a good living on the basis that he was right first time.

The full facts of what's really going on around "AIDS" are not known yet, or certainly not to me. But what seems likely is that immune systems get damaged not by the virus (which is no more harmful than a flu bug) but by repeated, massive exposures to huge quantities of drugs, legal and otherwise. The sort taken by the mouthful by homosexuals in the bath house, to inhibit STDs.

Accordingly the cure is to reverse that lifestyle: to take very few drugs, especially not AZT (a "cure" that makes it worse!) and to eat healthy, breathe good air and take as much exercise as possible. With such good-sense care, immune systems seem able gradually to repair themselves. Protease inhibitors no doubt suppress the relatively harmless HI Virus, but that is largely irrelevant - the improvement comes from the "clean" lifestyle, not from the medication. From taking back life!

I sincerely hope that this information will help many for whom government propaganda has destroyed hope and happiness. For more information visit this site presented by NIH whistleblower Professor Peter Duesberg. Return with your browser's BACK key.

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