Jim Davies for President

War, Terror and Foreign Policy

The current Republican/Democrat foreign policy of Empire-extending warfare is generating hatred of this country such has not been seen since the richly deserved hatred of Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan. It makes a total mockery of the true, intended meaning of that beautiful Statue: "Liberty, Enlightening the World."

It is also heading us all down the path of increased terror attacks in desperate retaliation, of that form of slavery euphemized as the "draft", and of endlessly increasing taxation to support the mad, world-dominating dreams of the political class in Washington.

But it didn't begin with George Bush.

It has been going on, and growing, for at least a century and a half. Since the day Lincoln's government decided it would not tolerate secession by the Southern states, the Federal Government has conducted a foreign policy of intervention outside its own borders. The result has been nothing but disaster, impoverishment and death but they persist anyway; for "war is the health of the state."

It escalated in 1917 with the totally needless and wickedly destructive intervention in WW-I, and was magnified in 1941 by FDR's utterly evil manipulation of an instinctively peaceful Nation into WW-II. The last sixty years have been punctuated by nondefensive wars large and small, and the current one in Iraq is a blatant power grab to dominate the oilfields of the Middle East while emasculating the opponents of America's favorite client State, Israel.

The sixty-year unwavering support for that State (which has little if anything to do with sympathy for Jews, as such - a race of talented and long ill-treated people) - support for the Zionist state is the primary cause of 9/11; a desperate retaliatory attack on what Muslims perceive as the Great Satan, financing the hated interloper of the Israeli State. 9/11 was systematically provoked; it was the terrible action of people who knew they had nothing left to lose. It was made in D.C. - over the 6 decades since Israel was founded with US government support.

What I Will Do

to fix this sad situation, if elected President, is to remove the causes of the problem. Specifically, I will: Those steps will remove the reasons why foreigners hate America and so will in the fastest possible way end their plans to terrorize Americans. The momentum of resentment built up over sixty years is so great, however, that it may not cease abruptly; some fanatics may not believe I mean it. Accordingly the question of how to defend Americans from such D.C.-provoked enmity will still remain for a while. Here's what I will do to help: Americans will then be free individually to defend themselves and, if they wish, to choose to travel on such airlines as permit passengers to carry handguns. They are so much more effective than plastic spoons that those airlines will almost certainly suffer zero hijackings from that moment on.

Peace, Friendship and Trade

Those are what Washington and Jefferson prescribed for American foreign policy, and in addition to the above those are the principles I will restore. In fact I'll do what they failed to do; I will place no restriction on international trade in the form of tariffs. Anyone who wants to exchange money for goods or services will be 100% free to do so whether his trade partner is in Moscow, ID or Moscow, Russia and no tax on either transaction will survive.

In all of the foregoing, please note that I will act only in strict accord with my promised, Libertarian Principle: nonaggression and freedom. Each human is his own self-owner; each human will be left to run his life any way he wishes. The result will be an era of unprecedented peace and plenty.

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