Jim Davies for President


All taxation is theft; that's the simple truth. It is usually legislated, though in the case of the US "income tax" it isn't - instead that's collected by fraud and extortion and can be legally avoided right now by those willing to learn how. But either way, tax is the forcible removal of property against the owner's will - a blatant denial of his right to run his own life, his own way - and so in the civilized society I will help create, it will end. Contrary to a well known gem of government wisdom, tax is the price we pay to destroy civilization. Of course it is; civilization could never be sustained by uncivilized means!

To the whole extent that any President has the power, therefore, if elected I will terminate every tax in sight. Necessarily, that can only apply to Federal taxes; I would have no mandate, alas, to interfere in State affairs except to set an example and provide a stimulus in the form of cancelled Federal subsidies. Even so, the abolition of the Federal "income tax" fraud will make it very hard for States to collect any income tax of their own, for almost all of them "piggyback" on the Federal one. They would each have to write a fresh set of i-tax laws, in the teeth of a climate of public opinion that elected me!

So with any luck, State taxes will fall off a cliff as well, along with all the mischief they pay for.

Tax is the indispensible fuel of government, and government is always and everywhere the primary destroyer of self-ownership rights. Its abolition therefore leads to the abolition of government, and that is exactly in accord with the Libertarian stated principle.

Tax also takes several forms; it's not just a single-headed beast. The Federal Government steals money from those who produce and therefore own it, in three ways:

  1. Visible taxes, eg on earnings or imports
  2. Invisible tax, ie the money-printing that produces inflation, and
  3. Borrowing from future generations

What I Will Do

Those three great engines of destruction need separate methods of elimination.

Borrowing I will terminate by announcing the plain truth that all government bonds are fraudulent from the get-go, since repayment depends upon an act of future theft. I will announce that no such bond will be repaid. The shock that that will deliver to the financial markets will be such that no government bond will ever again be saleable. Some will object that many holders of bonds will be heavily damaged by such a renouncement; true enough. That is why it will be so effective. But those buyers knew full well when they bought the bonds that repayment would be made out of future theft (and not out of honest, commercial profits) so they will earn little sympathy. In any case, as my poll numbers skyrocket prior to the Election, they will in most cases see what is coming and unload their holdings before their value drops to zero - hopefully, to supporters of my opponents.

Inflation is arranged in conjunction with the Federal Reserve, which is a private surrogate for a central bank. Its abolition is outside the direct power of the President, so I will hasten its demise by announcing that all persons convicted of counterfeiting government "money" will receive an automatic Presidential Pardon. That will totally undermine paper money and stimulate the restoration of gold as the free-market medium of exchange in America. Gold is way beyond the capability of government to print, and so inflation will end and the Fed will dissolve, having nothing to do nor the power to do it.

Visible taxes I will terminate also by generous use of the Presidential Pardon, and by my power of the purse; I will fire all IRS employees and zeroize its funding. By simultaneously pardoning all convicted for tax evasion of any kind (actually theft resistance) there will be little if anything left of this form of wealth confiscation.

The Result

The most obvious will be that I will be the last President, as well as the first Libertarian one; for before my term ends the Federal Government will have no money to live off and so will go out of existence. It would be good if burial rites could be read over its remains by a Constitutional Convention of the States, but it will be gone anyway and few will mourn its passing.

Otherwise, everyone in America will see an immediate jump in his or her net pay equivalent to the Federal taxes being paid - directly and indirectly. The wealth explosion will have begun, and it will accelerate as the forest of federal regulations which so hinder the production of wealth fast become unenforcible.

There are of course a few useful functions that the FedGov performs, such as the building and maintenance of roads and the provision of air-traffic control; private competitive enterprise can very well take their place in short order so they will be provided with better quality, lower price or most likely both.

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