Jim Davies for President

What's In This For You

I'll give you your life back!

What more could you possibly want? To the large extent that the Federal Government has taken away your right to direct your own life, you'll have it back after I'm elected President. This website details how and why.

Sadly, some people do want more; they want to control the lives of others. Sorry; that is not your right and I will not pretend to give it to you. Go vote in that case for a Republicrat; they are experts in that field. That's what has brought this country to its present deeply conflicted condition.

So explore the site, and then come back here for a summary of what you will gain specifically, as follows.

You'll keep all you earn for there will be no Income Tax or Social Security Tax or any other Federal tax including the hundreds we never normally notice. That's like an immediate pay hike of 40% or more.

You'll be free to become all you can be because no Federal regulations will hold you back from working in any field you please, and offering your services for any price you choose.

You'll share prosperity in an economy whose wealth will be exploding; like a rising tide, lifting all boats.

You'll be free from inflation which destroys savings - because I'll disable the government's money-printing press and replace its paper with free-market money; almost certainly, gold.

You'll choose your own insurance - for sickness and retirement for example. The government's wickedly fraudulent "social security" system will be history, so you'll be free to shop around for the mix of features that suit you best - with 2 or 3 times better price-performance.

You'll be free of terror threats from the government's enemies; for their motivation will have disappeared.

You'll live in peace for there will be no more foreign wars and no potential foreign invader would risk facing a hundred million well-armed householders.

Your gun rights will be restored. Since you alone own your life, you have an absolute natural right to defend it any way you wish. The BATF will be de-funded and de-staffed and so be incapable of enforcing any Federal anti-gun law even if it remains on the books.

You'll enjoy true justice delivered by a competitive industry whose participants will succeed on the basis of performance; and remedies will be based on restitution, not retribution. The barbarism of Federal agents bursting in to one's home in drug or other busts will be but an evil memory.

You'll be free to relax with any drug you please, or none. Federal prohibition of drugs will be history.

You'll be free to choose health care of any kind. No longer will you have to pay to see a physician for a prescription; if you want to self-medicate, you can - it's your life, not government's! Or if you want to buy an expert opinion first, that too will be your choice. Pharmaceuticals will be far cheaper and treatment will be offered competitively and without government regulations and reporting requirements that so drive up physicians' costs - so that too will come far less expensive.

Your children will be safe from getting drafted into a government war; there won't be any. They won't be safe from government indoctrination, alas, for schools are run by State governments and as President my influence on them will be very limited. So elect good Libertarian governors as well!

Your money will buy more - because a big component of all goods' price today is the cost of conforming to Federal regulations. They will go; so will their attendant cost. Car prices, for example, may drop like a rock.

FREEDOM: it's the most valuable thing in life. It can be yours in large measure, for the price of a vote.

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